Overcoming Obstacles - September 29, 2024

Dennis R. Wiles 
First Baptist Arlington 
September 29, 2024 
FALL 2024 
Together . . . for the Future 
September 1 – November 2, 2024 
Preaching Voice: Shepherd 
Overcoming Obstacles 
Ezra 4:4-5; 5:3-5; Nehemiah 4:1-23 
Theme for 2024: Together 
Theme for Fall 2024: Together . . . for the Future 
Lessons for Re-Building (or Building) 
-Kneeology: We must begin with prayer! 
-You Are Here: We must accept an honest assessment! 
-Planning and Zoning: Make a plan and get to work! 

CONTEXT: In Ezra 4 and 5 we read of the opposition faced by the Jews who were attempting to re-build the Temple in Jerusalem. Nehemiah 4 records the obstacles faced by Nehemiah and his workers as they were re-building the wall around Jerusalem. 
  1. In any journey of building or re-building, obstacles are inevitable. 
  2. Obstacles can have a positive effect---they can force us to be more focused and determined. 
  3. Obstacles can be overcome! 
  4. Pray! 
  5. Often, we have to make real adjustments to face obstacles. 
  6. Obstacles can be overcome!
Overcoming Obstacles - September 29, 2024
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