The Good News: Our Ministry - June 30, 2024

Dennis R. Wiles 
First Baptist Arlington 
June 30, 2024 

SUMMER 2024 
Together . . . in the Gospel 
June 2 – August 3, 2024 
Preaching Voice: Evangelist 
The Good News: Our Ministry 
Mark 1:21-45 
Theme for 2024: Together 
Theme for Summer 2024: Together . . . in The Gospel 
THE MESSIANIC MINISTRY OF JESUS CHRIST: Jesus made His way across the region of Galilee establishing His unique authority, demonstrating His unparalleled power, proclaiming His revelatory message, and displaying His tender compassion. 
Mark 1:21-28: Amazing Authority 
Mark 1:29-31: Personal Compassion 
Mark 1:32-34: Healing Power 
Mark 1:35-39: Prayer, Preaching, and Authority 
Mark 1:40-45: Compassion and Power 
THE MINISTRY OF CHRIST’S CHURCH: We now are the emissaries of the Kingdom of God. We have been called to engage in ministries that bring healing, hope, grace, forgiveness, love, care, compassion, and restoration to this broken world!
The Good News: Our Ministry - June 30, 2024
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